Membership Information

Register and Pay Online

Click the Membership you want to register for and fill out the necessary form. After submitting your online registration return to this page and click the PAY HERE button to make the necessary required payment. Once payment is received your Membership will be active.

NeRWA (Nebraska Rural Water Association) offers many benefits:
The Nebraska Rural Water Association provides leadership and educational opportunities to help its more than 577 municipal and rural water district members and other professionals wisely manage water and wastewater resources. Call us at (800) 842 8039.


Common sense technical and management know-how
Up-to-date training and seminars
Referrals to agencies, organizations and industry professionals
Timely information on public policy issues
Provide information and publications for boards/councils, operators, administrators, and staff.
Partnerships with various governmental organizations so more small systems can receive help.

Equipment and Services

Information about available equipment can be found HERE
Rate Studies RP Test Units
Emergency Chlorinators Help with Reports

Programs Available

Technical Assistance
Water Training
Wastewater Training

Membership Forms

Utility Member

Associate Member


